2017 Beat the Heat National Campaign

Join the Summer 2017 Beat the Heat campaign to prevent heat illness and deaths in agriculture.

The U.S. Agricultural Safety and Health Centers (US Ag Centers) are joining the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to share critical information for farming, fishing, and forestry industries.

Farming, fishing, and forestry workers are at particular risk for heat illness because of exertional heat stress. Like athletes, during hard work, heat is built-up in the body. This, plus the external (environmental) sources can cause heat-related illnesses. Heat illness occurs when the body can no longer cope and the body’s physical and mental functions break down.

See nasdonline.org for fresh ideas and educational materials (English and Spanish) about how to stay safe while working in farming, fishing, and forestry.

Help us to raise awareness and save lives. Follow us, Like our posts and share.

#BeatHeat with a buddy system to enable workers to look out for signs and symptoms of heat-related illness in each other.

#VenceAlCalor con un sistema de compañeros para estar pendientes por si el otro presenta síntomas de enfermedades causadas por el calor

#BeatHeat planning for mandatory breaks, working around the heat of the day, or work in the shade.

#VenceAlCalor y planea descansos mandatorios, evita las horas más calientes del día o trabaja en la sombra

#BeatHeat getting your body used to tolerate hot weather. Acclimatization, the natural adaptation to new conditions, takes time & requires planning.

#VenceAlCalor y acostumbra tu cuerpo a tolerar el clima caliente. Aclimatación, la adaptación natural a condiciones nuevas, toma tiempo y requiere planificación.

#BeatHeat with the OSHA-NIOSH Heat Safety Tool. A visual indicator of the current heat index and associated risk levels specific to your geographical location in the U.S.

#VenceAlCalor con la Herramienta de Seguridad en el Calor de OSHA-NIOSH. Un indicador visual del índice de calor actual y niveles de riesgo asociados, específicos para tu ubicación geográfica en EE.UU.

#BeatHeat with regular rest breaks can mean the difference in life and death. Rest breaks will make you more productive and could save your life!

#VenceAlCalor con descansos regulares, puede significar la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte. ¡Tomar descansos aumentará tu productividad y puede salvar tu vida!