Director of the University of Florida Aquatic Pathobiology Laboratories and research with the Southeastern Coastal Center for Agricultural Health and Safety Andrew Kane will present his research on seafood worker safety surveillance at the International Fishing Industry Safety and Health (iFISH) Conference in Newfoundland, Canada. The conference will run from June 10 -13, 2018.

Kane will be presenting his Gulf of Mexico seafood worker safety surveillance study, alongside collaborators Robert Durborow (Kentucky State University) and Mel Myers (Emory University/NIOSH). Kane’s study, through UF’s Southeastern Coastal Center for Agricultural Health and Safety, is directly supported by the US National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH) under the CDC. Kane and his team will develop and integrate engineering and behavioral interventions learned from their NIOSH surveillance study and global fishing safety experts at IFISH into UF’s R2P seafood worker safety program. The SCCAHS seafood worker safety project ultimately supports a culture of workplace safety and empowerment that prevents the fatalities and injuries common in many of the Gulf seafood harvesting work sectors that provide healthy, fresh seafood to our nation’s table.
Kane is an associate professor in the University of Florida’s environmental and global health department and his research focuses on the application of aquatic models for environmental and public health studies. Learn more about Kane’s research with the SCCAHS.