As federal and state officials continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation, it is important to share consistent and accurate information. Here you will find a list of resources from sources, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Departments of Health. These resources include social media messages, images, videos, and infographics that you can share on your own social media platforms and webpages. Please scroll to the bottom of the page to view all resources. The COVID-19 Training Toolkit for Extension packages PowerPoint presentations, videos, and print materials to inform agricultural owners and workers about best practices to prevent COVID-19 in the agricultural workplace. Additionally, Dr. Glenn Morris, director of SCCAHS, discusses COVID-19 testing and screening for agricultural workers in a recent video. Learn more about resources related to the COVID-19 vaccine by visiting SCCAHS’s COVID-19 vaccine page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Recommendations for Farmworkers and Employer Guidance

  • What information is there about testing and screening for farmworkers?
  • How can I help protect agricultural workers from COVID-19 on my operation?
    English | Spanish
  • What are some best practices for protecting agricultural workers from respiratory illness?
  • Is there a COVID-19 checklist for agricultural operations? Factsheet
  • What COVID-19 guidelines exist for food supply chain workers?
  • How can I help safeguard agricultural workers during COVID-19?
    English | Spanish
  • Is there a checklist for employee health and food safety for human and animal food operations during COVID-19?

Risk Prevention

  • What information is there about testing and screening for farmworkers?
  • How can I prepare for an outbreak in my community?
  • How can I clean and disinfect to prevent illness?
  • How can I help prevent the spread of COVID-19?
  • Is there a checklist for employee health and food safety for human and animal food operations during COVID-19?

Communication Resources

  • How can I communicate with my audience about COVID-19 via social media?
    English | Spanish
  • What information is there about testing and screening for farmworkers?