Chronic low back pain in seafood workers: a pilot intervention study to identify modifiable work and movement solutions

October 9, 2019

Chronic low back pain has been identified as a major problem for seafood and agricultural workers, and is known to affect worker health and productivity. Kim Dunleavy, an associate clinical professor in UF’s Department of Physical Therapy, researched clam workers in Cedar Key, Florida, to identify work-related movements and positions that aggravate or contribute to low back pain. Through this study, Dunleavy aimed to identify modifiable, sector-specific, work and movement solutions with the potential to reduce the burden or severity of chronic lower back pain in clam workers, as well as determine the extent that participants adopted identified solutions.

On October 9 from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. we invite you to join us for the October 2019 SCCAHS webinar as Dr. Dunleavy shares the results from her SCCAHS pilot research project on the topic of chronic low back pain in the seafood industry.


  • Clinical Professor

    Kim Dunleavy

    University of Florida, College of Public Health and Health Professions


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