Using Creative, Non-fiction Portraits to Promote Awareness About Migrant Agricultural Workers | February 22, 2023 @ 1 p.m. EST

February 22, 2023

The U.S. agricultural sector relies heavily on agricultural migrant workers, and many operations in Florida employ (im)migrant labor. Migrant workers have been termed as an invisible workforce and deal with issues such as vulnerable immigration status, housing insecurity, and lack of access to health care.

In our upcoming webinar, hear from Dr. Whitney Stone as she shares about a project that aimed to make visible the people of the agricultural workforce, through means of creative, non-fiction portraits. Within the portraits, migrant workers discuss the agricultural workforce they are a part of, their COVID-19 experiences, and their perceptions of climate change. Join the webinar to hear Dr. Stone discuss ways to make migrant workers’ stories accessible, where audiences can find this project’s portraits online, and recommendations to the university, extension, and community outreach networks on how to support migrant workers in Florida.


  • Assistant Professor of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resource Communications

    Whitney Stone, PhD

    Oregon State University