The 2024 State of the Science Meeting from the Southeastern Coastal Center for Agricultural Health and Safety brought together several researchers and Extension professionals working at the intersection of agricultural health and safety research, policy, and outreach communication. In this episode, three speakers from the meeting reconvene to share a conversation highlighting the importance of culturally sensitive health interventions and innovative solutions to bridge healthcare gaps in rural areas. You’ll hear Dr. John Diaz. Dr. Lauri Baker, and Dr. David Buys discuss how factors like economic stability, education access, healthcare quality, neighborhood environment, and social context influence the health and well-being of farmworkers. Our guests also emphasize the vital role of Cooperative Extension in connecting land-grant universities with communities, particularly in the context of medicine and public health. Examples from Florida and Mississippi are highlighted, showing how the roles of Extension have evolved from primarily agricultural and home economics education to encompassing broader health initiatives.